
This website will teach you how to find balance between digital and “real” world.

Digital sobriety is the state of awareness of the impact technology – gadgets, apps and social media – have on our life.

Digital sobriety blog is here to help you find the right balance between your online and offline life by first understanding the reasons behind why this dis-balance happened in the first place, and then discussing practical steps that can be taken in order to improve our lives.

Who is this website for?

You might find this website useful if you’ve noticed that you feel anxious, depressed or overwhelmed every time you pick up your phone or tablet.

Of course, mental health issues are a separate problem, and there are no studies definitively proving that social media use cause them. However, social media (and other aspects of our digital lives) can and do make it more likely that we find ourselves in unhealthy feedback loops.

This blog aims to break down and discuss how websites and apps are designed, what the intentions are behind certain decisions, and then what we can do to improve over time.

Your digital sobriety timeline

  • Step 1:

    Understanding yourself

    Understand the impact that digital media have on you. Why do you feel the way you do? Why do people act the way they do? What are the unwritten rules of the modern digital society?

  • Step 2:

    Taking the first steps

    Slow and steady wins the race. Learn what small changes you can make right this moment, without having to make large adjustments to your daily habits.

  • Step 3:

    Developing long-term systems

    After you become comfortable with small changes, you can start setting up systems for managing your digital life sustainably in the long-run.

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